Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Ride The Airdyne

record in 2010

I do not know if anyone had noticed, but the year 2010 is my all-time record year in the blog. I
In January 2006 I started blogging as part of a "we-write-now-all-blog" action of my circle of friends. And I have also done quite a lot of fun right. This is also reflected in the contributions: With 42 posts 2006 and was now leader. 2007 is still pretty close with 33 posts.
fact that 2008 and 2009, much less to read, has different reasons. Among other was it because I have to say not much, but a lot had to do.
This year I had no way to break the goal to break the record. Today, there are exactly ten posts more than 2006 - and the advent calendar and the year is not over yet. That I have (especially in summer) a lot of writing, was probably because I had quite a lot of time and also asked a few people was why I did not blogging so much. Why, indeed, have I asked myself then.

I this year has brought much joy to blog - otherwise I would not have even started this Advent project. I like to put my thoughts into words, and perhaps to generalize something and share it with other people from to leave.
why I like it also when I get in any kind of a response to this because I am happy about it then the one that someone has read my thoughts and other WHO about it now may make further thoughts.

Whether there are many posts in 2011 or perhaps even another record, I can not say. For all the love in
Blog: I can only write when I have ideas. Time I can then usually have to shovel. Although I've noticed with the advent calendar project that you almost always comes to ideas, if by some "pressure" is.

end fits the quote from the movie HILDE very good to me:

"No matter what you do, never stop writing."

Thanks for reading.


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