Friday, December 24, 2010

Goalie Difference Intermediate Senior


Today it is already done:

The last door is opened, the Christmas tree is decorated, the food is prepared and then there's a big pile of gifts!

Christmas, as it looks to us. Maybe we can make it on that day in between times to remember the people and perhaps even to pray for them who do not live in the same abundance as we have at present.

In other respects, for the day following "rules"

  1. Rejoice's world, the Lord DA!

In the words of Paul: "Again I will say, Rejoice" (Philippians 4:4). You just try to be really happy now with more time and patience to go get those things. Attempt to cling to you the joy and draw from it your strength up and not to be upset or annoyed by every little thing to have.
  1. Enjoy good food and the attention!

Good food is always something fine. And if you get gifts today, rejoice and take the attention of your donor! That makes everything more relaxed.

shall end this "rules" really good for all days of the year but at Christmas time so we can try to implement them really.

I wish that you were a beautiful, contemplative, blessed and happy Christmas did. I wish you joy in your heart. And I hope that you touched the birth of Jesus in your heart.

And of course I would be glad if you could prepare and accompany this Advent Calendar blog a bit on the hard and now dawning.

Thanks for making you read here with us!

affectionate greetings!



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