At Christmas we spent a lot of time looking at gifts for other people. Some people take a lot of time, others do rather it last on the lever. At current weather conditions the latter is perhaps not the smartest plan, especially if you order your gifts through the Internet - it comes to delivery delays.
But if one has all the gifts because, it is usually quite interesting to see what the recipient says well when he unwraps his gift. I think in general we can give to ourselves happy. The basic feeling of joy and should perhaps be surprising if we receive a gift.
But we do not always behave us so. With phrases such as "You should not have been necessary" or "Why did you in fact made such circumstances" or "You must give me nothing," we try to be modest. Perhaps we are too real, and perhaps we will be embarrassed if others give us much attention. All
can we all feel - but it is true?
Sometimes it seems to me as if the world becomes more and more entemotionalisiert. That the public does not cry and really shows no sadness or depression, is actually nothing new. And excessive joy and happiness with one not so much to the outside. The only thing that is really recognized, the "realistic" world view. Is pessimistic and realistic in the context. With the point of sadness or joy, we have "fear" the people "violating" the world try to be realistic. And therefore we are also afraid to really show joy when we are blessed.
this joy does really well. And learn to feel pleasure one in which one starts the good things in life to in the foreground, rather than the negative.
show humility when receiving a gift is actually the stupidest thing you can do in the situation. Your blessed compared to so you do not, so you feel bad, but to make you a pleasure to give you attention and you may express that it is like you. And in our world, we find it sometimes easier each other with material things to express appreciation, than to emotional.So let up on this merry Christmas gift. Let the joy in your heart into it, and fear thee not, to wear on the outside.
And forget not, what a great gift God has made us at Christmas because he loves us so much that he gave us his only son. Would not it be presumptuous to say: "God, why do you such circumstances? You should not have! You surely do nothing to give me " - Oh yes, we need God Present and we have Jesus more than necessary. And it is God's decision, if he makes these circumstances or not.
Thanks for reading!
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