Now it's actually already done: The year 2010 spent his last almost 27 hours that are left to him. Now the time has come to draw a conclusion. Maybe a general, perhaps a very personal one.
help you maybe these questions: Was the 2010
more good or more bad?
Was there something that has accompanied you throughout the year (an Thought, a song, a man, etc.)?
What did you this year with the greatest joy?
What made you this year at the most sad?
What brought you to this year's most disturbing about yourself?
What bothered you this year at the most about your environment?
Are you looking back satisfied with yourself?
What man has confessed to you this year on next?
Over what people you've got the most?
What was the most important event for you in 2010?
I think if you answer these questions honestly, it already has a good review on his own personal 2010.
But I think, to look just like the past was not enough - you should also check what to bring for the future of it. So here are a few questions for the year 2011:
In what area I want to work on my 2011?
I would like to have 2011 more contact to which person?
I have a goal that I want to achieve in 2011?
Which season 2011 will probably be most to me?
Which people I would pay special attention in 2011?
I know that many people do not like far superior plan and what do they do in the whole year 2011 or need. But some hypothetical thoughts are maybe quite interesting, especially if they write down and look back in 365 and see how the year has developed.
I wish you definitely want to be a good year and you can have a good year before you.Thanks for reading!
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
(Bible - Romans 12.21 - Annual slogan for 2011)