Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hidden Blade Mecanism

annual Conclusion

Now it's actually already done: The year 2010 spent his last almost 27 hours that are left to him. Now the time has come to draw a conclusion. Maybe a general, perhaps a very personal one.
help you maybe these questions: Was the 2010

more good or more bad?

Was there something that has accompanied you throughout the year (an Thought, a song, a man, etc.)?

What did you this year with the greatest joy?

What made you this year at the most sad?

What brought you to this year's most disturbing about yourself?

What bothered you this year at the most about your environment?

Are you looking back satisfied with yourself?

What man has confessed to you this year on next?

Over what people you've got the most?

What was the most important event for you in 2010?

I think if you answer these questions honestly, it already has a good review on his own personal 2010.

But I think, to look just like the past was not enough - you should also check what to bring for the future of it. So here are a few questions for the year 2011:

In what area I want to work on my 2011?

I would like to have 2011 more contact to which person?

I have a goal that I want to achieve in 2011?

Which season 2011 will probably be most to me?

Which people I would pay special attention in 2011?

I know that many people do not like far superior plan and what do they do in the whole year 2011 or need. But some hypothetical thoughts are maybe quite interesting, especially if they write down and look back in 365 and see how the year has developed.

I wish you definitely want to be a good year and you can have a good year before you.

Thanks for reading!

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

(Bible - Romans 12.21 - Annual slogan for 2011)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Goalie Difference Intermediate Senior


Today it is already done:

The last door is opened, the Christmas tree is decorated, the food is prepared and then there's a big pile of gifts!

Christmas, as it looks to us. Maybe we can make it on that day in between times to remember the people and perhaps even to pray for them who do not live in the same abundance as we have at present.

In other respects, for the day following "rules"

  1. Rejoice's world, the Lord DA!

In the words of Paul: "Again I will say, Rejoice" (Philippians 4:4). You just try to be really happy now with more time and patience to go get those things. Attempt to cling to you the joy and draw from it your strength up and not to be upset or annoyed by every little thing to have.
  1. Enjoy good food and the attention!

Good food is always something fine. And if you get gifts today, rejoice and take the attention of your donor! That makes everything more relaxed.

shall end this "rules" really good for all days of the year but at Christmas time so we can try to implement them really.

I wish that you were a beautiful, contemplative, blessed and happy Christmas did. I wish you joy in your heart. And I hope that you touched the birth of Jesus in your heart.

And of course I would be glad if you could prepare and accompany this Advent Calendar blog a bit on the hard and now dawning.

Thanks for making you read here with us!

affectionate greetings!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mountand Blade Revolution Mods

Today I got involved in something almost insane: we are driven to buy the big, big world for a few food items for the holidays to . Get And what I say to you? We were not alone.

The shop was so incredibly full (even though he is so huge in fact) that you just could not change direction with his shopping cart. You had to wait a minute seconds in which almost looked like it might just so that you could turn, and if you were lucky, it worked well. It's also not as if we were not warned that Christmas is coming. But the bulk purchase is of course best on the last day before the holidays.

If one is in such a spectacle, one can be a bit more to understand why so many people connected with Christmas stress. I have this Year, some people heard, "pre-celebration" Christmas - that one or two weekends before the actual Christmas, so that the right relaxed Christmas Day.

is the shopping there's not much of any Christmas spirit, unless you are very hard.

take on the parking lot of the people against each other off the car park is in the shopping aisles each other made little place, the sellers try to at least bring a smile, if somewhat cramped. We have tried to calm and relax to "spray" and I think that we have succeeded quite well.

But ultimately it is frightening how much people can go crazy and make each other's nerves. And as a woman helps in angel costume, spread the chocolate to children, not much. To speak with Reinhard Mey: There is no business like show business. All that was somehow still Christmas and the preparations for Christmas, to be taken on this purchase even seemed somehow just a big show to be. When stress is probably the most joy and love on the line.

Most preparations are well done now. The "stress" is probably not over. At the end of the day I ask another question: How far have you come to the Christmas mood scale? Do you commit yourself to "ready" for the big party tomorrow? Or every mood has remained on the track because of the work and disruption? A few hours you still have time - and then tomorrow and the next you're also going to come to time to reflect.

I wish that you free from stress, you can click on the recall, which at Christmas, the most important: Jesus' birth. Morning big party. Look forward not forgotten.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holly Willoughby Fakes Pixs Withfearne

Christmas madness to let the art exchange presents

At Christmas we spent a lot of time looking at gifts for other people. Some people take a lot of time, others do rather it last on the lever. At current weather conditions the latter is perhaps not the smartest plan, especially if you order your gifts through the Internet - it comes to delivery delays.

But if one has all the gifts because, it is usually quite interesting to see what the recipient says well when he unwraps his gift. I think in general we can give to ourselves happy. The basic feeling of joy and should perhaps be surprising if we receive a gift.

But we do not always behave us so. With phrases such as "You should not have been necessary" or "Why did you in fact made such circumstances" or "You must give me nothing," we try to be modest. Perhaps we are too real, and perhaps we will be embarrassed if others give us much attention. All

can we all feel - but it is true?

Sometimes it seems to me as if the world becomes more and more entemotionalisiert. That the public does not cry and really shows no sadness or depression, is actually nothing new. And excessive joy and happiness with one not so much to the outside. The only thing that is really recognized, the "realistic" world view. Is pessimistic and realistic in the context. With the point of sadness or joy, we have "fear" the people "violating" the world try to be realistic. And therefore we are also afraid to really show joy when we are blessed.

this joy does really well. And learn to feel pleasure one in which one starts the good things in life to in the foreground, rather than the negative.

show humility when receiving a gift is actually the stupidest thing you can do in the situation. Your blessed compared to so you do not, so you feel bad, but to make you a pleasure to give you attention and you may express that it is like you. And in our world, we find it sometimes easier each other with material things to express appreciation, than to emotional.

So let up on this merry Christmas gift. Let the joy in your heart into it, and fear thee not, to wear on the outside.

And forget not, what a great gift God has made us at Christmas because he loves us so much that he gave us his only son. Would not it be presumptuous to say: "God, why do you such circumstances? You should not have! You surely do nothing to give me " - Oh yes, we need God Present and we have Jesus more than necessary. And it is God's decision, if he makes these circumstances or not.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Ride The Airdyne

record in 2010

I do not know if anyone had noticed, but the year 2010 is my all-time record year in the blog. I
In January 2006 I started blogging as part of a "we-write-now-all-blog" action of my circle of friends. And I have also done quite a lot of fun right. This is also reflected in the contributions: With 42 posts 2006 and was now leader. 2007 is still pretty close with 33 posts.
fact that 2008 and 2009, much less to read, has different reasons. Among other was it because I have to say not much, but a lot had to do.
This year I had no way to break the goal to break the record. Today, there are exactly ten posts more than 2006 - and the advent calendar and the year is not over yet. That I have (especially in summer) a lot of writing, was probably because I had quite a lot of time and also asked a few people was why I did not blogging so much. Why, indeed, have I asked myself then.

I this year has brought much joy to blog - otherwise I would not have even started this Advent project. I like to put my thoughts into words, and perhaps to generalize something and share it with other people from to leave.
why I like it also when I get in any kind of a response to this because I am happy about it then the one that someone has read my thoughts and other WHO about it now may make further thoughts.

Whether there are many posts in 2011 or perhaps even another record, I can not say. For all the love in
Blog: I can only write when I have ideas. Time I can then usually have to shovel. Although I've noticed with the advent calendar project that you almost always comes to ideas, if by some "pressure" is.

end fits the quote from the movie HILDE very good to me:

"No matter what you do, never stop writing."

Thanks for reading.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Baby Invitation Requesting Money Donation

Small pleasures

needs Sometimes even small joys in everyday life, so you can survive. When the day fully and quickly, and perhaps dark, we need a light and a smile so we do not sink in all that makes us create.

is on Christmas it might be a minor problem, because one is concerned about all of those around one, with gifts, or at least one wish of a merry Christmas.
Probably you spend a couple of Christmas days with relatives or friends - although one that does not always protect the feelings of loneliness.

And what happens when Christmas "over" and the new year has drawn us under its spell again? Everyday life is always so fast again.

My best recipe (and I got from my dear sister 2.ältesten "stolen") is writing the postcards. With postcards you can send light and smiling and avoid the daily routine for a few moments.

why I'm doing now you readers an offer:

I send you a postcard in January or February, when the year and the daily life in full swing!

All you have to do to is to get such an everyday Dodger, your name and address to send with the subject "postcard". That your data will be given to anyone, etc. is self you will only be used for this one-time action and then deleted. makes (also with the people who think I have your address, I would be grateful if you would send it again at the above address.)

I am pleased if you let me write postcards and with the action and I will ship a bit light and smile! So get to the mailbox! And what
What do you do in order to take a little light in the world?

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Writing A Dental Appeal Letter

stuffed goose

The stuffed goose with red cabbage and dumplings is probably the most traditional Christmas dishes in Germany. Fits this there is this beautiful story "The Christmas Goose Auguste", which I liked as a child, but of which I will tell you anything today. As well as my cooking skills are not of such a court, so there will be no cooking lesson for today.

I find a picture of a stuffed goose is very good - if somewhat macabre - our people We are dar. Nature, which can be relatively unconcerned with all sorts of things swamping the stomach and not only in culinary terms. We can fill us with the things around us, with pictures, impressions, opinions, music, beliefs and attitudes put us on your back with your legs in the air and let drape beside us our circumstances as red cabbage and dumplings.
This image is to note two things: first

We're still alive!

Does not this mean that we can influence it, so we fill our lives and our minds? We have a right to decide that, although not always easy but in any case is enforceable.

second "For what the heart is like the mouth speaks." (Matthew 12, 34)

Depending on the filling inside, we draw, we will also "taste" accordingly. So is that of which we are full also shape our circumstances, our thoughts, our conversations, our relationships and our relations with the world.

Maybe we should stop as lie around dead goose in the world and let us fill of all sorts, but rather fly with a full plumage of the world and independently decide what is good for us and what "flavor" is to have the world from us.

Thanks for reading and have a nice 4th Advent!