Friday, January 7, 2011

Nokia E71 Front Camera Use

Spoilt for choice?

I have long wondered whether I should really write a blog about choices, because I feel they have raised so many times the topic. But it just always gained in importance again in life. I once asked my father why they have to make so many decisions. He said: "So that's just where you live. You have to decide again and again. "

Many people, among whom I count myself also, it is difficult to make decisions. Surely it all depends on the subject. But even the smallest things, and we must decide: What will I eat, what should I wear, what Movie watching I want whom I will meet. And even with "bigger" things we have to make decisions: What will show seminar, I want to live where I live as I want, with whom I will spend my life with which I will use my time on earth?

The whole decision-making system based on a great wealth that we feel as often as torture: We have a choice! We can choose what we eat, how we dress, what we spend our time where we live and with whom. What a privilege it is actually that we usually have at least an alternative! And what do we do with this privilege? We complain about, that we not decide can.

crucial than is generally also set. And that we feel is not appropriate in our requirements for an alternative rich world, I have yesterday yes already indicated. If we decide we place ourselves firmly bind us to something or someone and commit ourselves at the same time. And how pleasant it is life without obligations! If you want to decide already?

I think if we could be more tempted to help them make decisions (so that we define and bind and oblige), we would get better in some places way in the world. For most decisions, the Court has then also the first time calm before new questions and questionings (though of course reviewed and decisions may be questioned).

Let our choices regard as a privilege and commit ourselves and not involuntarily, indifferent and "free" float through the world history.

Thanks for reading!


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