Sunday, January 23, 2011
Bleeding 10 Yrs After
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Codominiumliability For Burst
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
London Fruit & Herb Company, Shop
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Cute Ideas For Volleyball Team
Sometimes we can make decisions, sometimes we have a choice and we remember and even use it.
There are days that are just terrible. It has been too little and slept badly, must get up early, have to work, it's raining, you miss the train, it is stuck in traffic, the annoying colleague at work, the students are unproductive, you spanking a class work, the basement is flooded, kitchen appliances give up its mind, the milk has gone bad, the heating system fails, one is arguing with someone, you get poor or bad news that gasoline prices are again in the Height shot, waste collection has not come in the mail are only bills, student loans has been cut, the washing is already there for two days and not less, you get no pay rise, the Amazon package has still not arrived, the computer does not work anyway you want, the glass would be taken away, the Internet is already the whole day, leave the toilet paper all, one gains in the computer game does not anyone want to do something annoying one, the waste must be brought down, the food does not taste, you will be transferred from someone and it's too warm or too cold, too dark or too light, too dry or too wet.
These are all things that satisfy everyone knows. And on days when such things are piling up, we want to hide most like to go back to bed, do not get up only to see no one and just grumpy and unmotivated vegetate in front of us down.
And what all has to do with decisions?
I am convinced that We have a choice.
Although we can not influence anything and we always, only choose the good and beautiful things in life, BUT we can decide how we are with things that happen to us and the things we have to do . deal We can decide ourselves whether we are motivated or unmotivated, whether we are in a good mood or bad, whether we are angry, or forgive, if we are impatient or complaining patient, productive or unproductive, or yield to insist on our right, or tackle, happy or are dissatisfied.
opt for feelings or against them.
The circumstances do not determine us -
we can decide how we deal with them.
I think the decision of the negative feelings and attitudes are easier to happen especially when a lot of negative things around us. This is only a quasi-adaptation to our environment. Innovative, changing, remarkably, we are satisfied only when we ourselves - no matter what happens and how we are - opt for the positive thoughts, feelings and attitudes.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Nokia E71 Front Camera Use
I have long wondered whether I should really write a blog about choices, because I feel they have raised so many times the topic. But it just always gained in importance again in life. I once asked my father why they have to make so many decisions. He said: "So that's just where you live. You have to decide again and again. "
Many people, among whom I count myself also, it is difficult to make decisions. Surely it all depends on the subject. But even the smallest things, and we must decide: What will I eat, what should I wear, what Movie watching I want whom I will meet. And even with "bigger" things we have to make decisions: What will show seminar, I want to live where I live as I want, with whom I will spend my life with which I will use my time on earth?
The whole decision-making system based on a great wealth that we feel as often as torture: We have a choice! We can choose what we eat, how we dress, what we spend our time where we live and with whom. What a privilege it is actually that we usually have at least an alternative! And what do we do with this privilege? We complain about, that we not decide can.
crucial than is generally also set. And that we feel is not appropriate in our requirements for an alternative rich world, I have yesterday yes already indicated. If we decide we place ourselves firmly bind us to something or someone and commit ourselves at the same time. And how pleasant it is life without obligations! If you want to decide already?
I think if we could be more tempted to help them make decisions (so that we define and bind and oblige), we would get better in some places way in the world. For most decisions, the Court has then also the first time calm before new questions and questionings (though of course reviewed and decisions may be questioned).
Let our choices regard as a privilege and commit ourselves and not involuntarily, indifferent and "free" float through the world history.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Japanese Movie Feet Scene
last few days I think about "oversaturation" section. The origin of this idea is certainly in the many blowout around Christmas and New Year. Today, 5 New Year's Day, has taken the phenomenon again, but the aftermath.
I just find it amazing how much one of those Holiday eating. And I want to also change or not preach a sermon on our conscience concerning factory farming, consumer world or world hunger (though the themes are all about which one should think on the one hand and work on the other ones). I would say is that we like to eat treats in abundance. Basically, I do not have much to say against, but I think it's arguable if you look at the food as a torment. "Today's fondue, roast tomorrow and the day after we go to a restaurant -. And I'm now no longer hungry," We so much wealth, such masses of food, have such a huge selection that we are not anything more to appreciate know and feel no hunger can do more.
course I will not say that hunger is a good thing. Nobody wants to starvation and conditions in which food is scarce. But in my opinion we so oversaturated, that we do not know what to do with us and our food.
The whole can also be transferred to wonderful information and opinions and issues. We have such a mass of information through the mass media. And there are so many issues on the world about which one might think and learn, and always at least two different opinions on an issue - you do not know where to start. Since then arise such statements as:
"policy? Does not interest me. The contradictory but eh all only each other and want my money to themselves to put in your pocket. "
" God? There are so many gods and religions - and all believe that they are right. Who needs the whole hog. "
" poverty? Which I do already suffering people in Africa. But what can I do? Which I can not exactly send my bread and butter. And when aid agencies can never know exactly who is there behind "
We develop no curiosity, no hunger for more new information on the depressions on certain issues because we all too much and we know it.: In a pinch I can still googling.
And if we do not inform us, we can not define us and if we do not define us, we are not bound and if we are not bound, then we are .. free? Tolerant? Helpless?
I wonder what happened stop, if we set ourselves and we are suddenly MUST not informed. If the political situation changes, for example, and the question becomes acute: What can I find right? What policies should be represented?
Can we then just googled it all over again and we then form an opinion? Given the wealth of information?
We should not be over-saturated in the area around and hope that the information be less. We should be concerned. About ourselves, about humanity, about politics and political attitudes about God.
Because I think at some point we need to define us. And we should prepare.
Thanks for reading.