Wooohoooo!! Even new readers! Since I'm lookin 'though! * Beam *
War to work before, and must now first chill. : D it would not have thought that the retail is so exhausting, but no matter what shoes I wear to 8 Hours me do it hurt my heels! So now, first with a friend Fast Food & the couch and put your feet up.
My outfit today:
There again is a work outfit, do not be surprised that everything is back to Vila. : P But such a blue blazer I've ever wanted anyway, and why not buy everything in our store! When I was working at Primark or H & M, I'd even wear the stuff from there. * Grin * Can you even like to look up to! ;) Tomorrow I have to work again until 18 h, and then I have Sunday free first. Since I'll be nice to relax and look around once in your blogs ...
Oh and the picture quality is slightly worse than usual, because I am the uncle of my friend's PC sitting and there's not a graphics program other than paint it. : D So I could just cut a little time deal and make the color slightly. (
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