As I recently to my car through the world history went, I was "inspired" again from a natural phenomenon: the fog. It was really foggy and the "broad daylight", with the thought with the brightness and the light because of the fog limited. The fog was not so bad that he would have limited driving, but to the right and left of the highway it was simply just know and you not even enabled the fields or any trees, much less seen as houses or cities (which is otherwise all possible ).
It simply smoke screens were behind the crash barriers. The weather conditions were such that one could believe that on this spot of earth, nothing existed except you do and the little piece of road ahead and behind you, you could see. If you do not know the area, you can not even imagine what magnificent landscape hidden behind these walls. And without the knowledge of what is actually there, it all looks pretty bleak.
Somehow in life often this: You come into a time where one has only himself and a small piece of the future and a little glimpse into the past. Everything else around you is fog. We do not know what to expect and you have no one look for things that run alongside, maybe not for the people who accompany you. Everything looks very comforting and hopeless. And not because it is particularly pessimistic, but simply because the circumstances are such that one might think that nothing else exists - let alone new perspectives and ways out.
If you put in such a situation, then one has to rely on to KNOW . Knowing
that goes behind the fog continues. Knowing
that accompany a man, even if you do not see them. Knowing
that life goes on around you. Knowing
that the future holds many good and nice way, even if one they do not see. Knowing
that the sun will come to break through the fog.
You can not just give up. Do not drive on the hard shoulder and say: I have waited so long to go away the fog. This is indeed, because sooner or later he will go away, but you wasted the time in which one could approach his goal, even if everything appears somewhat uncertain.
The art is to go further to drive to get around and maintain the knowledge. The fog will keep us only in the illusion that we are alone and everything is hopeless. But that's not it. Never.
And I promise you'll see the sun again.
(Dido - See the Sun)
Thanks for reading.
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