Hellboy - The Golden Army on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc
The feverish Hellboy 2 is looking a pretty shrewd sequel, which in the hands of a director been that has less talent than visionary Guillermo del Toro, perhaps would be rocked. Ron Perlman plays Hellboy again - or "Red" - the demonic heroes from the Dark Horse Comics, which has its roots in the mythological world has as well as personal relations with human society. As in Hellboy, he and his colleagues are still working for a secret division of the American government that deals (as well as in Men in Black) with supernatural powers. And so they sit down with a royal lineage elf (Luke Goss) apart, which commemorates a long-standing truce between mankind and the magical powers to break. In the meantime, a crisis in the relationship between Red and his girlfriend Liz (Selma Blair), which can rise by the power of their will in flames. All this under the watch of Red's fishy friend Abe (Doug Jones), who is in the course of the film itself fall in love. Del Toro combines in an ingenious way the Normal and paranormal, as he incorporates a long sequence in a troll market, which is hidden behind the facades of the sparse city. He also unleashes a forest monster that destroyed half a city district, but then, interestingly, it creates a light-filled beauty at the same location as the creature (an "elemental") dies a cruel death. Del Toro's artistic transformation is reflected primarily in the final analysis, to be held in a fortress, which resembles a clock and is located amidst the rugged countryside of Ireland. But it is mainly the comparison of visual features and not really unusual relationship issues that Hellboy 2 is a vivid painting missing, how do I find it rare in other superhero films. - Tom Keogh ProduktbeschreibungenDie eternal truce between our world and the mystic parallel world full of bizarre creatures comes to an end, for Prince Nuada declares his golden army of humanity to war. Only Hellboy and his girlfriend Liz dominant fire, the deep-empath Abe and her new boss, the protoplasm Johann-seer, come against the sinister creatures Nuada. Murderous tooth fairies, a Golden Horde warrior, a literal mountain of a monster, a many-eyed angels of death and a house-high octopus are just some of the incredible creatures to make creating the hellish Quartet.
With an explosion of special effects brought director Guillermo Del Toro ("Pan's Labyrinth") the red hero a hellish comeback full of hot action and cool sayings!
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