Thursday, March 27, 2008

How To Calculate Lattice Enthalpy Of Cacl2

goes Now it's really going on!

Tonight I have some time to report to me again.
I'm fine! It is exhausting, without question, but makes it very, very fun!

Today is what's longer, but you know then but know, what I do ...! ;-) I hope times.

First of what is here on security. Last week, I have seen with Jonny, like someone was beaten and robbed. For us that was already a stark experience. We did not know what to do in the situation. We hear at least once a week by a shootout.
That sounds pretty frightening for middle-class family, but we need to be afraid when we go on the road. You are already aware, peeps who approaches you and has little value things they think but not constantly at risk.

Last week we were divided into units. I'm in Unit 18 and we are five: Leanna, Unit Head (from Canada), then Josje (Holland), Lydia (Germany), Abi (England) and myself. Together, we have prepared everything for the Sidewalk Sunday School, almost always "Yogi Bear" called. So deleted the truck, painted posters, prepared the subjects ...

And then ... this Tuesday off we went. From Tuesday to Thursday is always Sidewalk. We use our courts to the north of Harlem and then drive our truck there and make sidewalk. It looks like we lift up the side of the truck, stage and thus have a plan set before putting on the kids then. Then we sing some songs and make a few games. Then comes the quiet part and I'm always surprised at how quickly the kids are quiet. With sketches, plays and on posters pasted images series then comes the sermon. This is what roughly from a sidewalk. I had not thought of that because we are so involved with the same, but at the first day - so before I had ever seen a real use :-) - we had to take our equal parts. But after Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday had 2 to 4 inserts, I now have some practice and become slowly more secure. The best is always that one the children do not have to imagine big. By the "Yogi Bear" - T-shirt is fully accepted and is equal to one containing just the new ones.

Friday I'm visiting day. Every child that comes to Sunday School, will visit once a week at home. Now I have an area here in Brooklyn, a few "projects" (sort of block for social assistance recipients), in which I visit the kids. As you watch, where and how to really live, that is her real life.

Saturday is "Indoor Sunday School. This is for the kids here in Brooklyn. Because no sidewalks are made with the trucks, but picked up the kids at home with old school buses and then again brought home. I'm on two buses, which we then our exit route, pick up the kids and bring in the community where it takes place an extremely large children's church service. There is every Saturday total of 6 to 9 events. It was really crude colorful, loud, funny and profound today, that is really great!

To complete weekly schedule, now Sunday. In the Bronx there is a daughter congregation of Metro and I am scheduled to go there and help. So we gather people from our area in Harlem and go there on Sundays. In the service I am now with the team for the babies.

Monday is our day off! Efforts are made to be really nothing to work.
The day is really welcome, because our work is very strenuous. We work over 70 hours a week. If it would not be so much fun and you would not trust the leaders that it is feasible, it would probably be too much. But thank God it is great here and the effort more than worthwhile!

very much God bless, see you soon, Daniel


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