Sunday, December 20, 2009

Filigree Wedding Bands

Newsletter December 2009 Newsletter September

Dear friends and sponsors,
I hope you enjoy this holiday season.
Here in New York is preparing everything prior to that time. Our Sunday school ...

We now have another week in our semester, our truck decorated for Christmas. Every child who comes gets a Christmas present. And of course we're talking about the true meaning of Christmas.
This semester is going very well. I can invest in many relationships with kids and parents. Many seem to open up just at this time to talk about their problems and ask for solutions. I think this is far from obvious. How much my heart is burning at the sight these people and the darkness in which they live, then, to tell them about the one way out - Jesus. And how beautiful it is when people are ready to hear about it. Yes, it is moving to be here and to be used by God.

But there are news in personal thing: Michelle and I have engaged in early November. Now we are on 12 March in Michelle's home town in California to get married! Our preparations are already quite good and the joy is great ...!
Thereafter we come together for a few years after Germany. I will study and Michelle learn mainly German. After that - to the plans - we will be back in the Mission . Go Right now we are here in New York which in our last semester and prepare a lot before the bye. Just to take the kids goodbye is very emotional and by far the hardest step. But we are looking forward to it very much to come to Germany.

I would like to sincerely thank you for your continued support! It is very moving to know that you exist and that you stand behind me. Thank you!

God be with you!

"I have known, sir, that the way of man is not in his power and that there is no one who goes, is where to direct his steps." - Jeremiah 10, 23

Does The Army Demand That You Shower


Dear friends and sponsors,
just before the start of the fall semester I sign again a newsletter.
This summer went by very quickly for me. At first I could visit with Michelle for 2 weeks Germany, which was a really great and relaxing time. I also have most of you once again seen and I can share with you.
Back in New York it was practically right in our summer camp this year, which I'll write more later. After that, I'm
for another week Michelle flew to California to get to know where their family, friends and surroundings.
And now we are right in the preparations for the semester. This week the new interns (trainees) and arrived in the last week of September is indoor and sidewalk Sunday School release.

Summer Camp 09 in Brooklyn
The main event this summer was the summer camp. In recent years we took the kids for 4 days to a camp outside New York. Because of the economic crisis, many of the sponsors of the kids do not pay this amount, which is why we are this year's camp simply on our own premises in the middle of Brooklyn have made. We have decorated our otherwise very dreary parking fine, a water slide, some bouncy castles, built two pools and a lot more and for nearly 2 weeks a lot of fun with the kids had. That was awesome, but not the peak. Then we went to our church building where we had prepared a compelling message for them. God had prepared the heart beat and it was very moving to lead the children in the presence of God.

Bronx River Houses

In my area in the Bronx is doing some things and I am thrilled to see how God is at work.
A new family is just in pulled my area. The father is still for the next 18 months in prison, the mother is responsible for 5 children and still has a 18-year-old girl recorded, which is thrown out at home and in the 8th months pregnant. Yet they have hardly any clothes for the baby, but we try to help and the gratitude is great. But what makes me really happy is that they regularly come to church on Sundays, making their behavior a clear difference from that of their environment. God has his plan in this desperate area.

My area has a number of so-called "shelters". They are building homes for families who - for whatever Cause - must be protected from the environment or even from themselves. Security guards at the entrance make sure that no one comes from outside the building. The apartment doors are often locked, so it can be reviewed at any time, whether in the home everything is fine.
come so every week since last fall by 3 brothers from one of these shelters to our Sidewalk Sunday School program. They are always so excited and happy when I come visit her. But often we have the problem that our kids always come true and then not as a teenager, the transition from children's programs to further spiritual growth join. That is why I wanted to Beginning, like to take with our youth service in Brooklyn, there are already three teenagers slowly. And after I had told them that, they were very excited and wanted to know exactly when we come to pick up the bus. In fact, they were at the same Wednesday in front of their shelter-building. And since they come faithfully every Wednesday, they literally run forward when the worship starts and are full of it. The elders asked me now whether he can come on Sundays for worship. It is kind of encouraging to see how God works and wants to use us to change lives here.

prayer concerns and perspectives

Please pray with me that God and the children Families will change here. I am very grateful for the relationships I have and pray that God will use me more and more to build relationships with Him. Pray also for the autumn semester, for our team, for energy and many ideas.

Thank you me in prayer and financial support. It is a blessing to be here.
God bless you all abundantly!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Herpes From A Handshake

sleep only 4 times ...

It's incredible but true: In 4 days I come to Germany. And I bring with accompaniment. I'm looking forward very much to see you all in two and a half weeks and then also introduce Michelle. We will be at 30.06. and fly away on Wednesday, landing 01.07., in Frankfurt. The anticipation is great. It was, after all, almost a year since I was the last time in Germany ...
The only short update, because soon we will see you!

soon, Daniel

Friday, May 29, 2009

Price Per Ounce Of Black Truffles

Is it worth the price?


I first came home and felt the need to write something in my blog.
We here at the moment through a difficult time. Many staff members and interns are sick, what does the rest for a lot more work. At the beginning of the semester heard We often the motto of "More with less - achieve more with less." Not least because also plays the bad economy and lack of staff involved. Sometimes I see what all is done and think that it is not feasible.
But every day's the same phenomenon: I see the kids, families and the brokenness and suddenly everything makes sense. How can you describe it?! The fact that we have the opportunity every day on the street in the heart of hundreds of children, teenagers and adults to speak, is eye-opening. Today we have preached about the fact that they do not have to be like all others, but differ from the rest and can be different - "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind "-.. Romans 12:2

When I came back today from sidewalk and the building for indoor Sunday School was finished, I wanted to go home but one of our teenagers. asked me if I would eat with him was. I had almost said no. He told me his whole life story. As he was the only child who was already suspended from preschool, because ADS him to handle, made of course affiliations, girls' stories, fights, lies, buildings ... just about every negative thing you can imagine. And that tells me a teenager. Until he comes to the day.
A youth meeting in which he decided to be different than the rest. So simple it was. He went immediately from the course, which has beaten him then tidy. His life has changed since then. He said in fact, that has changed on the day his perspective on his life - (or as Paul would say:) held a renewal of the sense.

Whatever we preach, it must make a difference in me. What does it mean for me, not of this world to be conformed to be like everyone else? I look at my situation and this question is easily answered. Especially now that we have so much going I must have simply stay the course and to see what God is doing and what He will.
God changes people, if they choose not of this world to be the same. What does this cost? It sometimes takes a lot. But how could I ask for the price it will cost to bring someone to this decision?
It is much more value ...

God bless you, Daniel

Sunday, April 19, 2009

2010 Ohip Covering Lap Banding

me my sponsors - April 09

love friends and sponsors,

I greet eu ch from New York! came

Now it's just a year ago, I d ass as an intern for Metro Ministries. After these 4 months was a lot different than previously expected. Now I work here as a permanent employee and can experience how awesome it is to these kids here to give this and to announce what they really need God's love.

Yes, Spring Semester 09 has begun - my second semester as an employee! Since last week we return with our yellow trucks in our area in the Bronx, which consist mainly of social housing (Projects).

Tuesday I go into my area of visitation, that I visit the kids who come to the Sidewalk Sunday School. This Tuesday I was finally able to make known the message that "Yogi Bear" (as the kids call our Sidewalk Sunday School) is back. From the reaction of the kids I was very impressed. My kids were thrilled! After almost 3 months, winter break, we can finally start again. The most beautiful encounter was with a family who said they were recently moved from Harlem to the Bronx and had gone there to Yogi Bear. The smallest, perhaps 4 or 5 years old, said he would know me from Harlem. I told him that I'm just in the Bronx, Yogi Bear, until I realized that I was an intern a year ago in a Harlem team. This family could not actually remember me and now lives in my area in the Bronx. Are you then come on Wednesday to our Yogi Bear. Coincidence? Certainly not. One obvious proof that God the reins in the hands holds and how nice it is to be part of it!

make As we indicated on Wednesday Sidewalk Sunday School in my area, the Bronx River Houses. Our program, depending on the weather, longer or shorter, we stop at three different places in my area. This Wednesday it has been raining all day, which for us is always an extra challenge. But on the whole day but we have reached a total of 146 kids.

Thursday and Friday we do Yogi Bear in the territories of the other employees

in my team. Our team (Division 12) consists of 4 persons: Diana (Divisional Leader, Holland), Michelle (Staff Member, USA), Mark (Intern, Canada) and me.

Saturday we Indoor Sunday School, our program for the kids from Brooklyn. But for this I will write more in my next newsletter .

for this semester I hope above all that the relationship with the kids and their Families that I was able to build in recent months, stronger. They are the key to reach these people and lead them to Jesus. I also want to specifically use for my teenage boys. Fathers here are not in principle. There is hardly a family has a father figure is present. I want to be a positive, godly example of a man who is not like any other power but God's word follows.

If you think the prayer to me and pray for these concerns want, you can help me is you. For me personally, I pray for Wisdom, with individual situations to deal properly; for endurance and strength, this fulfilling, but also to do strenuous work, to see for open eyes and believe what God is doing and wants to do.

"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Dwell in the land of darkness, light shines on them. "Isaiah 9.1

Thank you for your support!

God bless you!
