Run with One - Staff Sponsorship Program
Now we have already half half. Unbelievable how fast it went so far! I'm fine. I can only say again and again: I am so glad to be here and do what I do! When I think about how God has led it and everything came so that I am here now and working full time for him, it is simply thrilling. His ways are just higher than our ways and His thoughts higher (55.9 Is.) than our thoughts.
Metro Ministries has a new program - "Run with one" to German: "With someone run" . What does that mean?
were far we, the employees of Metro paid. That will change now and I find this step very well. Let me explain why.
I did desöfteren idea how it would go on here at some time without the founder and director Bill Wilson, and also with some of you talked about. Metro Ministries is funded almost entirely by donations, the Bill receives during his travels around the world. He just turned 60 years old traveling, 51 weeks per year to be doing so. And now he has asked us for help: "I need you to hold up my arms." this comparison, he took out second Exodus 17, 11-12:
"It happened, when Moses held up his hand, Israel had the upper hand and when he rested his hand, Amalek had the upper hand and the hands of Moses were heavy, since increased.. them a stone and put the same under him, and he sat on it, and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, .. This one and this is one, and so his hands were firmly until the sun went down "
And that's the goal of the program, we find sponsors to help us in our work - to run with us so that we are at financially. own legs to relieve Bill in his work with a Metro Ministries on a broader basis.
why I feel "Run with One" as a blessing. I know that this is the place where God wants me to be. He is me to provide what I need.
If you wish to support me, you can feel free to contact me. I'll send it to my profile sponsor. The whole is then the Metro office in Germany and is then tax deductible.
If you have it on my heart "to run with me," I look forward to hearing from you.
God be with you!