God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things The second sidewalk week is over. It is kind of great! Unfortunately I have not had any on Sidewalk images. But if I have that, I invite them up here.
My area is the Bronx River Houses. Every Tuesday I go there to visit the kids and invite them for Wednesday. Wednesday we do then there Sidewalk Sunday School. Although we are only in the second week and are already the "my" kids. However, comes with the joy of their own territory, and my kids a lot of responsibility. I am responsible for the relations and more to inspire kids for Sidewalk to attract teens and adults for the other events. In short, for the spiritual care in my area. This is a big task and I will meet with the same dedication that Jesus had when he saw the man:
"And when Jesus came out of the ship, he saw a large crowd and had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. "Markus 6.34
Last week was Bill Wilson's 60th Birthday. Tonight we had a big surprise party. He thought he had walked in a TV interview in the Church, and as he waited, we all (staff, interns and special guests) with a great celebration for him. Was a surprise. Prior
was about what one could give him so that he will retain, as it would otherwise continue to pay ... And just as was the celebration. Although it was his party, it was for me a single sermon. And probably one of the most impressive. These 60 years he has experienced, with all the opposition, Discouragement, setbacks, and then the determination, dedication, love with which he went. He has changed lives, founded one of the largest and most influential missionary organizations. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This sentence says desöfteren Bill.
What can we learn from it? What does this mean for us? We do not need the best conditions in order to accomplish great things. But only on the target hard, to serve God, in gratitude for what he has done for us.
point. That says it all what it takes to live a life for God. For my part I will do so.
God's blessing. I hope you all are well. I look forward to hearing from you!