Monday, November 3, 2008

Is It Ok To Shower With Tiffany On?

Run with One - Staff Sponsorship Program

Now we have already half half. Unbelievable how fast it went so far! I'm fine. I can only say again and again: I am so glad to be here and do what I do! When I think about how God has led it and everything came so that I am here now and working full time for him, it is simply thrilling. His ways are just higher than our ways and His thoughts higher (55.9 Is.) than our thoughts.

Metro Ministries has a new program - "Run with one" to German: "With someone run" . What does that mean?
were far we, the employees of Metro paid. That will change now and I find this step very well. Let me explain why.
I did desöfteren idea how it would go on here at some time without the founder and director Bill Wilson, and also with some of you talked about. Metro Ministries is funded almost entirely by donations, the Bill receives during his travels around the world. He just turned 60 years old traveling, 51 weeks per year to be doing so. And now he has asked us for help: "I need you to hold up my arms." this comparison, he took out second Exodus 17, 11-12:
"It happened, when Moses held up his hand, Israel had the upper hand and when he rested his hand, Amalek had the upper hand and the hands of Moses were heavy, since increased.. them a stone and put the same under him, and he sat on it, and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, .. This one and this is one, and so his hands were firmly until the sun went down "

And that's the goal of the program, we find sponsors to help us in our work - to run with us so that we are at financially. own legs to relieve Bill in his work with a Metro Ministries on a broader basis.
why I feel "Run with One" as a blessing. I know that this is the place where God wants me to be. He is me to provide what I need.

If you wish to support me, you can feel free to contact me. I'll send it to my profile sponsor. The whole is then the Metro office in Germany and is then tax deductible.
If you have it on my heart "to run with me," I look forward to hearing from you.

God be with you!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mucus Clump After Masterbation

Sidewalk images

Division 12 - Diana (Division leader from Holland), Laura (Intern, Ireland), Lilia (Internal / Germany), Michelle (Staff / USA), Rene and I (Internal / Switzerland)

My Site: Sidewalk today in Bronx River Houses ...

My Projects evening

On the way home ...
View All Images

Kind regards and see you soon, Daniel

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Comunity Service Letter For A Sorority

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things

The second sidewalk week is over. It is kind of great! Unfortunately I have not had any on Sidewalk images. But if I have that, I invite them up here.

My area is the Bronx River Houses. Every Tuesday I go there to visit the kids and invite them for Wednesday. Wednesday we do then there Sidewalk Sunday School. Although we are only in the second week and are already the "my" kids. However, comes with the joy of their own territory, and my kids a lot of responsibility. I am responsible for the relations and more to inspire kids for Sidewalk to attract teens and adults for the other events. In short, for the spiritual care in my area. This is a big task and I will meet with the same dedication that Jesus had when he saw the man: "And when Jesus came out of the ship, he saw a large crowd and had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. "Markus 6.34

Last week was Bill Wilson's 60th Birthday. Tonight we had a big surprise party. He thought he had walked in a TV interview in the Church, and as he waited, we all (staff, interns and special guests) with a great celebration for him. Was a surprise. Prior
was about what one could give him so that he will retain, as it would otherwise continue to pay ... And just as was the celebration. Although it was his party, it was for me a single sermon. And probably one of the most impressive. These 60 years he has experienced, with all the opposition, Discouragement, setbacks, and then the determination, dedication, love with which he went. He has changed lives, founded one of the largest and most influential missionary organizations. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This sentence says desöfteren Bill.
What can we learn from it? What does this mean for us? We do not need the best conditions in order to accomplish great things. But only on the target hard, to serve God, in gratitude for what he has done for us.
point. That says it all what it takes to live a life for God. For my part I will do so.

God's blessing. I hope you all are well. I look forward to hearing from you!

Donna Ludwig's Birthday

New Link

Here is the link to the blog of Michelle . It is also in my division, and writes a lot and well. Anyone who understands English, can look even once since.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Plaid Acrylic Paint Msds

settle successfully completed

Hello friends!

We now have internet in our apartment ... Yippee! This finally gives me the opportunity to report to me very much. We, that Marcel from Switzerland, Ryan and I from Canada. We share the 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom - apartment.
I've been doing well and ... feel good! This is now my home. Formalities are largely (mobile phone, bank, last and finally Internet ...). It has been so in about one day know when to wash time for laundry and shopping must take, because: Yes, a lot of work is also back. I am now in Division 12 in the Bronx. Division leader is Diana (Holland), Staff-so-permanent employees are Michelle (USA) and I (known as Germany). We have now got the whole 3 Interns. We are a pretty cool Division (Unit said last semester yet) and I'm glad to be their part. I
'm glad that God brought me to New York. It is very exciting, I am curious what will happen this semester. I am willing to put God to its full level. I'm here to make known to Jesus and to tell of his love! I can not think of anything better.
forget or can I replace the need for this contract can not. I sleep at the window and when I looked out, I look directly across the street from some Projects, those houses that are home to those in greatest need of any help. And for that I'm here.

Well, I'll try to keep you better thanks to the Internet to date. If you like my phone number, address, would have, etc., can sign up even with me.

God loves you. Because you are His!
Blessings, Daniel

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What To Do Wen Disappearing Scorpio Returns

Back in NY

A brief message from me. Am on Monday was well received, immigration, customs and pick up went well. I do not live in the center but, as expected, but removed with two others in an apartment two blocks from the Church. There is still no internet and phone, so I'm also not so good report with you ... But we are working on the Internet.
was ever to settle everything first and set up in our apartment. Was it all rather barren place, but meantime do have even plates, cutlery and a reasonably full fridge :-) On the wall and room decoration, we are still working ... We must now use the days to set up well, because we are during the semester do not have time to change anything. Now we had a first preparatory seminar and I had a really cool time with God. Next Tuesday it's his all. It's all pretty exciting ... I'll report back soon, hopefully with Internet at home.


From Metro Ministries
From Metro Ministries
From Metro Ministries
From Metro Ministries
From Metro Ministries

Monday, July 21, 2008

Japanesebreast Feeding

What ' s next? I'll tell you ...

Dear friends and fellow readers, I now

I So for 17 days in the beautiful green, but very cold Germany.
It is very different. The experiences of New York and stuck like that, not here. Sometimes I do not know which of the two worlds is now foreign.
jet lag I had in principle no, 2 days after my arrival in Germany we went to the Rangers on a great canoe trip. It's great to be a Ranger! With so much nature, I went back to really settle in Germany.

And what's now to New York? Yes, this question has occupied me like no other. I'll do it briefly: I had some opportunities, I asked God, prayed and prayed even more. I know what is up. I will go again in September to New York and participate full-time at Metro Ministries. I'm really glad I have such a security about it. The past 4 months have been very formative for me, changed me. I've seen that I would learn very much can.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added ..." - Matthew 6:33
I do not know for how long I'll be there. In any case, once a year, but limited, time is not the first time.

Now I have two months here in Germany. I am happy to be here to see all the people. I need to apply for my visa, find insurance, do a lot of little things and earn as many euros as possible because they are over there in dollars worth much more.

I look forward to hearing from you!
God bless you all, Daniel

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Are Chinese Boobs Good

The last entry from NY

So now I write my last entry from New York ... Who would have thought that this would happen so quickly?

My internship was super over. The last sidewalk week was very good, but I always had to also adopt the kids, what has taken me quite. But it was a great degree ...

got really the official statements - our Graduation and on Monday and Tuesday we're all left. I'm with Jonny still do after 10 days leave Florida and we had a relaxing and yet very exciting time.

came a few hours before our flight back from Miami. It is said to pack, say good bye and sleep. Now I am another night in New York and will rise tomorrow morning in my flight to Dusseldorf.

Jesus I thank you wholeheartedly for this extremely herrausfordernde, changing time. I have learned so much, seen seen. This has helped me to go through the hard times. I find it not easy here to say good-bye. But I am back to Germany to come and you all again!
soon ...

God's blessing upon you, Daniel

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Word World Birthday Party Cake Ideas

It is slowly but surely over

times I write some news.
It is indeed time, would I have reported not so long ago ...
And there are new images ... - here -

the moment we have quite a heat wave. Yesterday we went out not to Sidewalk, because it was too hot. We had about 42 degrees. Today we have sidewalk and it will be really cool ... we have water pistols, water bombs, which is fun!
The last weeks were the hardest of all. In addition to Sidewalk Indoor and Sunday School, Visitation, Church and the "usual" tasks we had to do some things for our internship. In addition to a portfolio (a documentary about our time here) and a weekly schedule cause we had 5 interviews with other employees of Metro. Then we have 6 teams he wrote a great lesson that we have today submitted tomorrow. Everything went well, and now it gets a little looser. There are 2 more weeks sidewalk and indoor, 23 June is the semester is over.
I really miss them here, especially the kids, since I do not even think about it. I've experienced a lot, with God, with the kids, with the interns and staff, very herrausfordernde things. I can not even describe or write anything, I look forward to it already, if I can tell you so much. On 24
June I fly with Jonny from Switzerland to Miami and we are there until the 03 July relax a bit. The same day I fly from New York and at 04 am Julie Land morning in Dusseldorf.

But now you go back out to the kids. Looking forward to it!

soon, Daniel

Friday, May 9, 2008

150cc Hammerhead Buggy

New Reality

When I read through my last blog so I did not feel like writing really what I experience here. The most glaring
what it says here, is the strenuous Work. But that is missing from afar. It is completely different here. Someone once said after a church service with Bill Wilson to me that it would be inappropriate if he would constantly say, he was from another world. I could understand the two to three months, because it builds a distance. But it is true. The reality here is definitely very different.

Today I went to visitation. This is my visitation Site:

The houses with the red numbers I visit. These are Projects (public housing). Yesterday was a shootout just across the street next to my Projects. Today I spoke to visitation with a family who desperately want to move away, because of the violence, shootings, life here no longer cope.
When I got in Throop Ave. was 220, said my Worker (Malik, 12 years), 'You know, Daniel, there should not be pure. Because of it is shot. "
last week announced a critical court ruling in the case of a deadly confrontation with police. Then there were all sorts of demonstrations, roadblocks, etc. in response. As a voltage is in the air.
It's a different world with different standards, different values, different fears. People, even children grow up with it. For them, these are not surprising news. It is only a gunfight. I will anyone shocked with what I write. Honestly do not, I would only describe what happened here and what changed me.
What a fabulous thing it is there, that today I could go to these kids. In not a few homes, I can smell that there is smoked pot. Seconds before me, the door is opened, I hear the children shouted. Then I talk to them and invite them for tomorrow. Maybe it's the first nice word and smile for them this week, who knows. Tomorrow we will go out with our buses and pick them all. Ca. 5000 Kids will be together in order to tell them anything really relevant. It will be about trust. That it to a vertauen can, if anything disappointed ...

"Trust in God with all your heart ..."
